Become a Sponsor!!
We have helped over
people since we started
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Sponsors are the muscle in Rebuilding Together

Your business or organization can sponsor a house!
Rebuilding Together always has more homeowners that need help than we can work with each year. That's why, in addition to the generous sponsors listed, we need your help to sponsor a house.
What is a Sponsor?
A sponsor is a business or an organization which provides a team of volunteers and usually makes a donation to Rebuilding Together to help pay for the cost of repairing a home.
Team sizes and donations vary widely depending upon the ability of the sponsor. Some teams are better at pulling together volunteers. Others are better at providing funding. In each case, Rebuilding Together matches sponsors with an appropriate home which matches their ability to participate. Typically a sponsor will provide between 7 and 40 volunteers and make a donation to Rebuilding Together Litchfield County of between $1,500 and $5,000 depending on the scope of the project they will undertake.
Rebuilding Together will provide a house captain if needed who will assist the team with every step of the project. Rebuilding Together will also provide skilled carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc. as needed.
Every business or organization, no matter what the size or scope of participation is welcome. Working on a house with Rebuilding Together is a wonderful opportunity to network, earn media attention, build teams, improve neighborhoods and give back to the community.