Strategic Plan

A Strategic Plan on Four Service Areas
Rebuild Day, 4th weekend in April annually: individual sites worked at by teams from religious/civic/municipal or business groups. Work scheduled at sites only as funding permits each year. Increased visibility in Litchfield County will provide an increase # of low-income, elderly homeowner referrals, and volunteer teams. Emphasis will be placed on community recognition.
There is the potential for creating smaller geographic zones with Board Members from each zone, or a group of zone advisors that would control travel distances for site assessments, etc.
Homeowner (Maintenance) Training using Rebuilding Together (R T) manuals, volunteer and paid instructors. Trainings are in cooperation with local Community Groups, Senior Centers, Western Connecticut AAA and other organizations creating partnerships.
Rebuilding Together Homeowners Safe At Home Program
RT is responsible for construction budget, trainers and 'hands-on' equipment necessary using paid contract labor, when necessary, who are reliable and can/will respond quickly & are known and therefore trusted to be referred to older Year-Round Emergency Maintenance homes persons
We would be familiar with their work
We would be sure that work was done in a timely manner
Work would be billed without worry of inflated hours or supplies
Homeowner Reassurance, Caretaker/Maintenance Service Initiated to support RT work-site homeowners who would like the continuing contact which will support their ability to remain in their own homes in safety and comfort as long as is reasonable. Some of our homeowners have offered to relate their experiences to other applicants in an effort to make the experience seem less daunting.